Course Topics:
This serves as an additional resource for Farming Series students.
Estimated Time: 30 mins
- Мұғалім: Edrian Paul Martin
- Мұғалім: Miguel Serrano

Course Topics:
This is the third of four courses that aim to get you up to speed with Farm Accounting for New Zealand Clients.
The topics that you will cover in this course include:
- Reconciliation of Tallies
- Bloodstock, Non-Specified and High-Priced Livestock
- Specified Livestock
- Herd Scheme and Herd Value Ratio
- National Standard Cost
- Livestock Workpapers
- Livestock Bailments
- Financial Statement Presentation
In addition to these topics you will find reference material and resources including a farm coding dictionary and definitions and reading material on a variety of topics.
Estimated Time: 3 hrs 30 mins
- Мұғалім: Edrian Paul Martin
- Мұғалім: Miguel Serrano

Course Topics:
This is the first of four courses that aim to get you up to speed with Farm Accounting for New Zealand Clients.
The topics that you will cover in this course include:
- The Livestock Trading Account and accounting for Livestock Sales and Livestock Purchases
- The Farm Income Statement - including rebates received, dairy proceeds, wool sales and other farm income
- Farm Working Expenses - including animal health, breeding expenses, hay & silage, protective clothing, shed expenses, weed & pest, and other expenses
- Vehicle Expenses - car expenses and farm vehicle expenses
- Repairs and Maintenance around the farm - buildings, fences and yards, pasture maintenance, tracks & drains etc
- Tree Planting / Forestry and Development Expenditure
In addition to these topics you will find reference material and resources including a farm coding dictionary and definitions and reading material on a variety of topics.
Estimated Time: 2 hrs
- Мұғалім: Edrian Paul Martin
- Мұғалім: Miguel Serrano

Course Topics:
This is the second of four courses that aim to get you up to speed with Farm Accounting for New Zealand Clients.
The topics that you will cover in this course include:
- Period/Year End Adjustments
- Income Spread and Expenditure Deferred
- Reconciliation of Tallies
- Income Equalisation
In addition to these topics you will find reference material and resources including a farm coding dictionary and definitions and reading material on a variety of topics.
Estimated Time: 2 hrs
- Мұғалім: Edrian Paul Martin
- Мұғалім: Miguel Serrano

Course Topics:
This is the fourth and final course that aims to get you up to speed with Farm Accounting for New Zealand Clients.
The topics that you will cover in this course include:
- Farm Development Expenditure
- Buying and Selling Farm Properties
- GST on Farm Property Sale and Purchase
- Budget and Management Accounting
- Sharemilking Agreements
- Wages, and
- Miscellaneous Topics
In addition to these topics, you will find reference material and resources including a farm coding dictionary and definitions and reading material on a variety of topics.
Estimated Time: 3 hrs
- Мұғалім: Edrian Paul Martin
- Мұғалім: Miguel Serrano