Course Topics:
- Determine rules for newly built and second-hand properties using the bring-line and deductibility test
- Determine the purpose and scope of the new rules surrounding purchase price allocation.
- Determine the different methods of determining the allowed allocation of the purchase price for each asset involved.
- Determine the rules involved when parties agree or do not agree to an agreement.
- Determine the requirements for the De Minimis Exemption from the new purchase price allocation rules.
- Determine the scope of bright-line property rule in New Zealand and how the bright-line rule applies to residential rental properties and affects the taxability of capital gain on sale of residential rental properties.
- Determine how to calculate for the income of residential rental properties under the loss ring-fencing rules and how to deal with excess residential rental deductions caused by loss ring-fencing.
- Determine the new rules affecting interest deductibility for residential rental properties.
Estimated Time: 2 hours
- Lærer: Miguel Serrano

Course Topics:
- Bright Line
- Interest Deductibility
Estimated Time: 1 hour
- Lærer: Miguel Serrano

Course Topics:
What properties will be affected?
- Residential rental property
- Main home
- Business premises
- Farmland
- Mixed-use
How will the calculations work?
- Portfolio approach vs property-by property
- Calculating excess deductions
- Using those deductions
- Disposals
- Companies and groups
Estimated Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
- Lærer: Edrian Paul Martin

Course Topics:
- New Interest Deductibility Rules
- Four-year Phased Out Deductions
- RUles for Newly Built and Second Hand Properties
- Bright Line Extention
- Changes in the Main Home Exemption
- Impact of Acquisition Date
- Tenancy and Subdivisions
- Tax Planning Options
- Market Implications
Estimated Time: 2 hours 30 mins
- Lærer: Miguel Serrano